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Chapter Participation in Youth Programs

December 17, 2021This is one in a series of articles highlighting each of the ten criteria considered when determining chapter recognition scores. Learn more about the chapter recognition program.

Have you ever asked the question, “How do we get more young people involved in our chapter?” Perhaps your chapter flies Young Eagles but wonders how to keep these young people coming back to the airport and your chapter after their flight. In an endeavor to provide an answer to these questions, we have developed a number of turnkey programs which we’ll cover in this article. If you’re looking for ways to engage more youths in your chapter while also earning another chapter recognition point, read on!

Young Eagles Build and Fly

Many aviators have gotten their start by building and flying model airplanes. EAA is pleased to be able to offer chapters the chance to provide this opportunity to young people in their area through the Young Eagles Build and Fly program. In partnership with local Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) clubs, the Young Eagles Build and Fly kit is designed to introduce youths to aircraft construction and the fundamentals of flight in a group setting through the world of RC flying. It includes all components and tools necessary to build a SIG electric-powered eKadet LT-40, a Horizon Hobby Vapor indoor RC model, and a RealFlight 9 RC flight simulator. All of this is available for only $500 plus shipping and handling thanks to the generous support of the Burgher Fund and discounts provided by SIG Manufacturing and Horizon Hobby.

Once a chapter receives a kit, they will arrange regular build sessions with a group of young people to complete the LT-40 model. At the same time, these young people will also have opportunity to learn and practice RC flying skills with the Vapor and RealFlight simulator so that when the LT-40 is completed, they will have a jumpstart on RC flying experience and are ready to take their skills to the next level.

All your chapter needs to participate is an area suitable for building and storing the LT-40, ability and desire to partner with a local AMA club and solicit AMA volunteer presence for their RC expertise, and volunteers from the chapter to assist with and oversee the build. Find out more or purchase the kit.

Note: all EAA members are eligible to receive a 25 percent discount on their first year AMA membership.

Young Eagles Workshops

Many of our best program ideas come directly from chapters. Young Eagle Workshops is one of these. We knew of several chapters that have hosted very successful aviation day camps for kids. We consulted them to create an out-of-the-box packaged version that any chapter can purchase and implement with the freedom to choose the age level of participants, length of the program, and depth of material to go into. From a single day to week-long to one day a week over a period of time, chapters can structure their workshop in whatever way works best for them. For a discounted price of only $35, made possible in part by a generous donation from the Sporty’s Foundation, your chapter receives a kit containing:

  • A program guide
  • Aviation worksheets designed to go with PowerPoint lessons called learning modules
  • Instructions for hands-on projects (electrical, sheet metal, wood)
  • Training sectional charts with rulers to go with them
  • EAA stickers
  • Waivers and photo releases
  • Completion certificates
  • Nametags

In addition, the chapter can download the PowerPoint lessons, a promotional poster, feedback forms, presenter guide, and more! Learning modules cover topics such as aerodynamics, flight instruments, compass headings, weather basics, communications, traffic patterns, pilotage, and sectional charts. Each kit contains enough materials for up to 10 participants. The chapter may purchase as many kits as they would like. Register to host an event.

Air Academy

Your chapter has the opportunity to give a young person in your chapter the summer aviation camp experience of a lifetime by sponsoring their attendance at EAA’s Air Academy. Three types of camps are offered:

  • Young Eagles Camp – Ages 12-13
  • Basic Camp – Ages 14-15
  • Advanced Camp – Ages 16-18

Although these camps have been canceled for the past two years, we look forward to holding them again in 2022. Learn more about EAA Air Academy.

By participating in any of these three programs — Young Eagles Build and Fly, Young Eagles Workshops, or sending a young person to Air Academy — your chapter earns a recognition point. Winter is the perfect time to engage in the Young Eagles Build and Fly or Young Eagles Workshops programs, and Air Academy camps fill up quickly so don’t delay getting registrations submitted. Important Note: Your Young Eagles credits can also be applied to any of these three but act now to use your 2020 credits toward them as these will expire on December 31! All purchases must be made by then! If your chapter has already used up all your 2020 credits, you will be able to start using your 2021 credits starting in March. Any of these would certainly be great uses of your credits and would be a great way to engage youths in your chapter!

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