Young Eagles Day Electronic Signature

  • Young Eagles Day Electronic Signature
    Young Eagles Day Electronic Signature

October 2021 – We are currently testing the new electronic signature app for Young Eagles Day, our online registration tool for Young Eagles flights. This app will be available on Apple iPad devices. Pilots and parents/guardians will sign their names on the iPad instead of a paper form. The app will send the signed electronic forms to EAA’s database. If you use this app, then you will not have to use paper waivers for YEDay. EAA chapters will also be able to use Young Eagles credits to reimburse the cost of an iPad for the YEDay app.

Several EAA chapters are currently beta-testing the electronic signature app at their Young Eagles rallies. This will let us gain feedback and see how the app works in the real world.

We look forward to releasing the YEDay app when it’s done with testing. We’ll let you know when the app is ready to download.

If your chapter is interested in using YEDay for organizing Young Eagles rallies, then check out to get started.

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