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Chapter 972 Reports on Successful Young Eagles Workshop

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    Bart Robinett, EAA 207446 and Young Eagles pilot. Bart is the only founding member left of Chapter 972. Bart is an advocate of safety in the skies.
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    Jill Shockley, CFI, EAA 1304331, Young Eagles pilot, plotting out a flight plan with the supplies that we received from EAA and Sporty’s.
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    John Kearney, EAA Lifetime 739330, Young Eagles pilot, talks to students before Joe Farmer goes through a pattern work simulation with them.
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    Joe Robberson, EAA 742322, demonstrates how to cover a wing with fabric.
  • EAA
    A chapter member and Young Eagles pilot, Walt Eastland’s hangar was used to learn about switches. Walt, EAA 1024651, showed them what a little power and some simple switches can do for an aircraft.
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  • EAA

May 2021 – Gayla Leary, EAA 1132425, Young Eagles Coordinator and future Young Eagles pilot, submitted the following report on the chapter's recent Young Eagles Workshop. For information on this program and how your chapter can be involved, please visit EAA.org/YEWorkshops.

Our first workshop was a great success. I had heard of having day camps for kids in hopes of giving them an ideal experience — that it's not all about climbing in an aircraft for a free ride and then not being able to pursue aviation on their own. We are here as a chapter to let them know it is possible for anyone to get into aviation in some manner. I then saw the kits that EAA and Sporty's put out to help teach the students different areas of aviation. It was so much fun, we opened up our hangars to let them in to learn about general aviation. We live on an airpark so we had lots of space and lots of hangars to have the different work stations. As luck would have it, we all learned something that day!

We will plan another workshop this year. We will use what we learned in the first workshop to improve and expand this program.

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