FAA Forms for Registering and Certificating Your Homebuilt
By EAA's Aviation Information Services
Registration Forms
You will need to submit the following forms to register your aircraft:
- AC Form 8050-1 Aircraft Registration Application
Not available online. Must request a blank form from your FSDO (Flight Standards District Office).
To locate your FSDO http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/ - AC Form 8050-2 Aircraft Bill of Sale (Kit built aircraft only)
http://forms.faa.gov/forms/ac8050-2.pdf - AC Form 8050-88 Affidavit of Ownership for Amateur Built Aircraft
http://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/media/8050-88.pdf - will need to submit the following to certificate your aircraft:
- AC Form 8130-6 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
http://forms.faa.gov/forms/faa8130-6.pdf - Enough data, such as photographs or three-view drawings, to identify the aircraft
- AC Form 8130-12 Eligibility Statement Amateur-Built Aircraft
http://forms.faa.gov/forms/faa8130-12.pdf - A letter identifying the aircraft and the area over which the aircraft will be tested
Link to blank program letter
Link to sample program letter
Repairman Certificate Form
You will need to submit the following form to receive a repairman certificate:
- AC Form 8610-2 Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application
NOTE: If any of the above links do not work, alternate links can be found on the FAA's Amateur-Built Info page:http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/gen_av/ultralights/amateur_built/