Hands, Mind, and Heart

What started as a handful of passionate enthusiasts has developed into a major force—and a significant component—of the aircraft industry.

EAA Amateur-Built Aircraft Safety Pledge

In the 1960s Paul Poberezny introduced the EAA Shoulder Harness Pledge, asking all EAA members to add such restraints to their aircraft in recognition of their life-saving value. Now, EAA is asking its members to take responsibility for homebuilt safety with a new pledge for the 21st Century. The new EAA Amateur-Built Aircraft Safety Pledge involves a few simple commitments that you can make to ensure the safety of yourself, your passengers, and the reputation of the homebuilt community for safety and ingenuity.

EAA and EAA Homebuilders logos
The EAA Amateur-Built Aircraft Safety Pledge
I hereby promise and commit to do the following:

  1. I will install and test my fuel system and document its performance in accordance with best amateur-built practices and procedures.
  2. I will evaluate Angle of Attack/Lift Information systems, and associated visual, audible, and tactile alerting systems as they relate to enhancing the performance and action of the pilot. I will give serious consideration to installing these on my aircraft, and learn to operate them properly.
I pledge to take these actions in order to protect myself, passengers, and the good name of the Association.

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