Coalition Members
Listing of type clubs participating in the Type Club Coalition.
The Type Club Coalition (TCC) is an organization of owners and builders groups brought together for the common purpose of increasing the level of safety in the general aviation community. Whether you fly a type-certificated aircraft, a warbird, a homebuilt, or anything in between, all are welcome in the TCC.
Many type clubs have already worked hard to create very effective training programs and best operating practices for their members. The TCC is a place where these organizations, as well as individual owners, can come together to further develop these resources. If the community can work together to eliminate the common mistakes of aircraft operation, type-specific or otherwise, the overall safety of GA will increase substantially.
Mission: Leverage the knowledge and resources of the coalition to better prepare general aviation pilots for flight risks associated with known accident "hot spots."
Vision: A future with unprecedented, low general aviation fatal accident rates.
For more information or if you or your organization is interested in joining the TCC, please reach out to:
Tom Charpentier
Government Relations Director
Robbie Culver
Type Club Coalition Chairman
EAA Type Club Coalition member Robbie Culver explains the TCC’s new “How to Start a Type Club” guide and how you can help strengthen your own airplane’s owner community through forming a new type club!