Chapter Renewal 2025
NOTE: When a section is complete its tab will turn green.If a tab is not green, scan the section for missing info. If everything is filled out and nothing is highlighted in red but the tab is still showing incomplete, try logging out and logging back in. All changes are saved automatically so you will not lose any data by doing this. Upon logging back in, check for any fields highlighted in red and complete or correct the data.
Please have the following information on hand prior to starting your Chapter renewal.
- Chapter Number
- Chapter Airport Location (ICAO) code
- Chapter Meeting Address
- Meeting Date
- Meeting Time
- Meeting Location
- 5-Digit Zip Code
- Chapter Email Address
- Chapter Website Address
- Chapter Contact Phone Number
- Number of Chapter Members
Chapter Leader Contact Info (Officer Name & EAA Member Number for the following positions)
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Newsletter Editor
- Web Editor
- Membership Coordinator
- Eagle Flight Leader
- Ray Scholarship Coordinator (US/Canada only)
- Board Members
- Young Eagles Coordinator
- Technical Counselor
- Flight Advisor
IMC Coordinator & VMC Coordinator
- IMC/VMC Meeting Times and Locations
- Chapter Clubhouse or Hangar Square Footage (if the chapter owns or leases a facility)