
AirVenture Events

Aircraft Wheel and Brake by Kaman | Cleveland Wheels and Brakes

The AirVenture Schedule of Events is sponsored by Cleveland Wheels & Brakes.

Events and attractions will continue to be added and updated regularly leading up to AirVenture, so check back often for the most current information! Please note that event locations may be updated as we continue to get closer to the event.  

PLEASE NOTE: If you are viewing the schedule on a desktop or laptop computer and you are in a time zone other than Central Time, you may see events listed in your current time zone. To see the schedule in "Oshkosh Time" click on the button in the top right called "Use Venue Time"

When viewing the event schedule in the mobile app, all events will be set to Central Time.

View the Full Schedule and Log In to Build Your Itinerary
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